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Is PRP Hair Therapy Right For You?

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PRP therapy, also known as platelet-rich plasma therapy, is a way for individuals facing hair loss to see invigorated hair growth instead. The goal of the process is to enhance the supply of blood to the scalp, increasing the thickness of hair strands.

Because PRP therapy is a medical procedure, it is not right for everybody. This guide will help you decide if you should pursue PRP therapy.

The Process of PRP Therapy

PRP hair therapy involves drawing blood, processing it, and then re-injecting it into the scalp. You will likely have to come in for several treatments over the course of several weeks. The blood drawing process is relatively straight forward, and the blood is usually taken from the arm.

A spinning device is responsible for separating components of your blood, allowing doctors to find the platelets to inject in the areas where you desire hair growth. The doctor will pinpoint the right areas to target with the platelets.

The Right Candidates for PRP Therapy

Studies remain ongoing as to the efficacy of PRP hair therapy and who it works best for. Many people express that they are happy with the hair growth they've experienced since undergoing the treatment.

Candidates for PRP therapy should be well aware of the risks of undergoing the procedure. While it is relatively safe, risks like blood vessel injury, infection at injection site, and scar tissue developing at the injection site do exist. Candidates should also not smoke, use blood thinning medications, or misuse drugs and alcohol.

While hair loss is commonly associated with men, women are also good candidates for the procedure too. If you still have working hair follicles, a doctor may consider you as a PRP therapy patient.

Good patients also have realistic expectations. While successful PRP treatments last forever, the right candidates also need to understand that it may take several treatment sessions to get it just right.

The Wrong Candidates for PRP Therapy

Individuals with certain health concerns will also be rejected for treatment. They may include those with chronic infections, cancer, liver disease, or a low platelet count. Unfortunately, not everybody is the best choice for undergoing this type of therapy. Fortunately, you may find there are other options.

The best thing to do now is speak with a doctor offering PRP hair therapy services to learn more about your options. Even if PRP therapy isn't right for you, a consultation with a doctor who provides the service can provide information about growing the luscious hair you want.
