Protecting Your Hair during the Summer Months

Real Benefits Of Natural Beard Growing Oil

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If you have a beard and have not had a problem getting to the length you want, you may wonder why you would ever need to use a natural beard growing oil like those from Beard Farmer. The truth is, these oils do not actually increase the rate at which the hair for your beard grows. However, they do offer other benefits that will help your beard be stronger, more luxurious, and healthier. Read More»

Treatment Options For Ingrown Facial Hair

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When you have facial hair you can experience many issues with your skin. One of the biggest problems is ingrown hairs, which can be painful and embarrassing. This condition is caused by irritation to the skin from shaving or other activity, causing the hairs to turn backwards and head back into the skin. The results are red, infected bumps that can be difficult to treat, especially on areas of the face that you shave regularly, such as your upper lip or along your jaw line. Read More»

How To Prevent Ingrown Hair

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Ingrown hair can happen all over your body. Your bikini area is definitely not where you want to have one, as the ingrown hair can look like a large pimple, or if infected can look a little less than sexy. Ingrown hair can happen from a number of reasons including shaving improperly, or from not exfoliating, so preventing them is key. See below for tips on how to prevent ingrown hair on your body (especially the bikini area). Read More»

2 Natural Oils To Help Keep Your Nails Moisturized

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The health of your nails can often indicate whether you may be battling internal issues. While dry and brittle nails are common, they can also be a sign of dehydration both internally and externally. Similar to your hair, if you fail to keep your nails moisturized, then they will eventually break off. If you are looking to grow nails that are long and strong, then this can put a damper on your plans. Read More»

Tips for a Beautiful Head of Hair

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Do you have hair that is frizzy, lifeless, or otherwise not what you want? Does it feel like you’ve tried just about every shampoo out there, only to still have the same annoying hair? Whether your hair is thick or thin, strong or weak, getting it to be “just right” can be a daily struggle. Fortunately, there are things that will help make your hair more manageable. Some of these things include the following. Read More»